Independent retailers achieve impressive growth with Connect
Every retail business becomes more complex and difficult to manage when products are sold across multiple channels. But the retail landscape has changed dramatically in recent years and it is now essential to reach the widest possible audience if you are to compete effectively. How can you reach that audience without your costs spiralling out of control and your operation becoming impossible to manage efficiently?
Connect from Intelligent Retail provides the solution you are looking for. User friendly and with amazing functionality, the Connect EPoS system and ecommerce module enable you to trade in the same way as your larger competitors. You will achieve more sales while reducing your costs and your growth will be hassle-free.
Powering your shop tills, the EPoS system takes care of your bricks and mortar business and the ecommerce module enables you to sell seamlessly across multiple channels including your own website, Amazon, eBay and Google Shopping. The system can handle multiple websites and unified stock control keeps things simple, ensuring that your workload does not increase as you grow.
Growth and efficiency with Connect
Connect’s efficient stock management reduces the complexities of your retail business. As you only have to enter product data once, you will save a great deal of time while increasing accuracy. Wherever a sale is made, stock is deducted from the same tree and the system produces your despatch documentation. Better still, Connect delivers the reports you need to plan your next moves and to make the right purchasing decisions.
With your business simplified and your stock management centralised, you can streamline your operation and rationalise your stock. Rapid growth is much easier to achieve without losing control.
The perfect EPoS system for your business
Wouldn’t your business benefit from the finest EPoS system?
For a demonstration of the Connect eCommerce and EPoS system, call Intelligent Retail today on 0845 680 0126 or email